When it comes to finding the best tankmates for Angelfish, you also need to know what are the bad ones. We have already thoroughly covered an article on suitable tank needs for Angelfish. Today, we will cover an interesting topic, ‘bad tankmates for angelfish,’ that you must avoid.
Suppose you want to ensure well-being and harmony within the aquarium. In that case, avoiding the seven bad tank mates for Angelfish is recommended, who may not be the best companion (as per my experience).
7 Bad Tank Mates for Angelfish


It is always recommended to avoid betta fish as a companion for Angelfish due to the difference in behavior & nature. There have been many instances where bettas tend to nip at long angelfish fins, causing stress & injury.
In addition, betta fish are known to reproduce rapidly, which can quickly lead to overcrowding in the tank. You should note that Angelfish starts to show signs of stress. And their fins are likely to get nipped if too many better fish are introduced at a time.
Avoiding the male betta fish in major cases is also recommended because they are the major culprit for injuries in Angelfish. Also, you should note that Angelfish may see betta fry as food, potentially causing aggression and conflict.
Neon Tetras

We have recently shared an in-depth article on the question: ‘Can angelfish live with tetras.’ We have also talked about neon tetras being one of the best companions for Angelfish for various reasons. Today, we will discuss why neon tetras are bad tankmates for Angelfish.
You know that neon tetras are small and tend to be vibrant in color. Therefore Angelfish have exhibited aggressive behavior towards neon tetras due to their size appearance. You are likely to witness Angelfish chasing & harassing neon tetras, which will ultimately cause stress and negatively impact their health.
Neon Tetra tends to be small & delicate, making them vulnerable to angelfish predation. To know more about angelfish predation on other fish, consider reading our article ‘Do angelfish fish eat other fish.’
You should also know that neon tetras usually like living in cooler water temperatures than Angelfish. However, it doesn’t mean that they can’t coexist together. It ultimately depends on how big the tank is and what type of layout & decoration it has.

According to many aquarium forums and experienced fish keepers, barbs have a reputation for fin-nipping behavior, which can cause significant injury and stress to Angelfish.
Even though barbs are known for their acting nature and eye-catching colors, their compatibility with Angelfish has always been questionable & under debate.
Angelfish fish are known to become aggressive in response to constant harassment by barbs. According To Aquarium Nexus, Barbs’ dynamic and fine-nipping behavior can constantly stress Angelfish.
Also, you should know that barbs need different temperature requirements than Angelfish, making it challenging to keep them together and maintain an optimal enrollment in the same tank.

Goldfish have always been associated with traditional fish bowls, but they can quickly outgrow their environment. Therefore it is never the best companion for Angelfish. You should also note that goldfish can produce a lot of waste, quickly leading to poor-quality water if you don’t maintain the time properly.
Also, goldfish are cold-water fish, whereas Angelfish prefer warmer temperatures. Since goldfish can grow out Angelfish in size and swim faster, it could cause size disparities & competition for resources.

Many cichlids, including Oscar cichlids, are incompatible with Angelfish. You should know that cichlids are a diverse group of fish, and they come in various sizes & temperaments. Some cichlids can be compatible, but others can pose significant challenges.
A research article published in the National Institutes of Health (.gov) highlighted the territorial nature of cichlids which can lead to aggression towards Angelfish. Since Cichlids are known for their territorial behavior, they can also cause huge problems in smaller tanks.
It can even compete with Angelfish for food & other resources, causing ultimate stress to other inhabitants. We have also seen that it requires different water parameters depending upon its variety, making it very challenging to keep up with Angelfish and maintain suitable tank dish conditions for both species.

Many freshwater catfish have a unique appearance and are popular for bottom-dwelling behavior. Even though some catfish may seem like a suitable companion for Angelfish, many could be better. You should know that Angelfish view catfish as a potential threat that can quickly lead to occasional aggression & territorial behavior.
However, having a corydoras catfish can be amazing tankmates because they are known for their peaceful bottom-dwelling nature. In contrast, Angelfish like to swim mid to upper tank levels. Since Angelfish may also view corydoras as a potential threat, it may quickly lead to aggression, conflict, or territorial behavior. So it’s best to avoid any catfish at all.
African Dwarf Frogs

There are a few frogs that look unique & captivating to keep as aquatic pets in an aquarium. African dwarf frogs are one such aquatic animal that can add a touch of charm to your aquarium. However, it’s not uncommon for Angelfish to mistake African dwarf frogs as a pet which can lead to stress & injury.
Hence their compatibility with Angelfish should always be evaluated. As per BlogDigger African dwarf frogs inhibit slow moving waters and are slow at swmming too, which makes them susceptible to angelfish aggression. In addition, African dwarf frogs tend to have different feeding requirements, making them difficult to keep in the same aquarium and may result in competition with Angelfish.
In conclusion, it is important to choose the right tankmates for your Angelfish to maintain a peaceful & harmonious aquarium. To do that, consider checking our guide on the best tankmates for Angelfish.
It would help if you avoided incompatible companions like betta fish, neon tetras, barbs, goldfish, catfish, cichlids, and Aquatica animals like African dwarf frogs. Avoiding these aquatic animals will ensure the happiness – the well-being of your Angelfish.
Also, conduct proper Research and evaluate personal experience before introducing any new tank mate to your angelfish aquarium. I have given my best to give you some idea of the bad tankmates for Angelfish.
If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your share will help many people learn about the bad tankmates for Angelfish and why they should avoid one. Do check my other helpful guide on angelfish facts – care. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.