Angelfish are very beautiful, attractive, and colorful fish that originate from tropical freshwater or tropical saltwater. They are easy to identify as their popularity has been growing these years. Being a popular and common pet throughout the world, there are some fascinating facts about angelfish that you might not know about and that we will be discussing further.
Here we discuss some facts about the different species of freshwater angelfish:
Following are a few Fun Facts about Angelfish
Angelfish are not angels
This is obviously not that shocking, but their name has a fascinating history. People started calling them that because of their unique signs, such as their movements and the shape of their fins, which completely resemble angel wings.
Angelfish are omnivores
In captivity, angelfish eat both plants and animals. However, in the wild, they often eat invertebrates, insects, crustaceans, etc. However, they don’t eat more plant matter in the wild. Instead, they find invertebrates, small insects, larvae, worms, crustaceans, and worms as their food source.
There are 86 different species of Angelfish
Angelfish” is a wide term where 86 different species Each of these species has different variations, and they each live in different habitats, either in a marine or freshwater environment. Most of the angelfish are kept as pets; they are known as freshwater angelfish.
Not only this but there are plenty of wild habitats and species too. Every species is different; they live in different habitats and have different needs. They live in either a marine or freshwater environment.
In the freshwater habitat, six species of angelfish are distributed. The habitat of each species is huge, and they are available in hundreds of different physical compositions.
Opportunistic feeders
In mammals, goats are acknowledged for their opportunistic mindset when they eat. According to goats, if something might taste good, they’ll take a bite. It has been noticed that angelfish have a similar sentiment.
Angelfish may eat anything that fits inside their mouth. Smaller tankmates are included; they are not always aggressive, but they don’t pause to eat smaller fish. Hence, aquarists have to think when it comes to picking the other species of angelfish. Rainbow fish, rasboras, and larger tetras are considered the best tankmates for angelfish.
Angelfish Have a Queen
Yes, angelfish have a queen! Queen angelfish can grow up to three and a half pounds! However, their large size is not the reason that has tagged them as a queen.
Alternatively, their regal title is derived from their head, where the crown appearance is seen. The blue-ringed black spot with a unique spotted pattern is seen on top of their heads.
Angelfish parents eat offspring
This is one of the fascinating facts about angelfish. Yes, angelfish parents do eat their offspring. Aquarists should be taken care of and make sure that the parents don’t eat the eggs or the fry. The baby angelfish is known as Fry. They don’t always eat the eggs or the fries. Instead, they keep their eggs safe by shielding them in every possible way they can.
However, reducing their stress is the best way to inspire good parenting. Aquarists can relieve stress by placing the breeding tank in a quiet place.
Angelfish have a good lifespan
Most people think pet fish have a short life span, but there are different types of fish that have long lifespans and can even live longer than dogs. Angelfish are one the good examples of fish that have longer lifespans.
Generally, they can live 10 to 15 years if the habitat around them and the other requirements are enough for them to live healthy and happily. Not all angelfish live this long, as a few factors could be responsible for this, such as pathological conditions, poor genetics, or any injury that can make their lifespan shorter and cause them to die early.
Require specific conditions in aquariums
For living a better life with good health, angelfish always requires specific conditions with ideal parameters. You should always keep the tank neat and clean, with the appropriate size and a good filtration system, in order to keep them healthy. The proper water conditions keep them healthier and happier. With the constant ideal temperature, your pet can live up to 10 years.
The ideal parameters are the following
- Water temperature: 74 to 78 °F.
- average pH range of 6.5 to 6.9.
They Can Be Aggressive
Angelfish don’t always show their angelic behavior. Angelfish can sometimes become quite territorial and aggressive towards other fish if the other fish is causing them problems in the aquarium.
However, generally, most of the angelfish are calm, peaceful, and timid when kept in the proper water conditions with the best tank mates, and their aggression will only show up during the breeding season. Angelfish may bully other fish if they try to come near their eggs.
Angelfish Are Prone to Diseases
Yes, this is true; angelfish are more prone to diseases like Hexamita, in which the symptoms include loss of appetite and increased excreta production; freshwater Ich, which is a protozoal parasite infection that causes cotton lesions; and other various diseases. These pathological conditions also may occur due to the disturbance and fluctuations in the water parameters, such as pH, water temperature, and tank size. If you see your angelfish is sick, always take it to a veterinarian for the proper treatment.
Female and male angelfish Look the Same
Unlike other breeds of fish, it is not that easy to determine the gender of an angelfish unless the breeding period comes and the female is ready for it. Both sexes have a common organ known as the papilla that is located between their ventral and anal fins.
When the female is carrying eggs, the size of her papilla gets larger and has a blunt tip, while the male has a more pointed tip. This is the most prominent thing that you can notice and distinguish between the sexes. Obviously, the angelfish that lays eggs is a female. You can always be certain that any angelfish that lays eggs is a female.
Characteristics of Angelfish
Angelfish are a popular group of freshwater and saltwater fish that are known for their unique body shape and bright colors. Some of the main angelfish behavior characteristics
Angelfish are a stunning and majestic species of freshwater fish known for their graceful appearance and unique characteristics.
These beautiful fish typically have a tall, triangular body shape with long, flowing fins that resemble the wings of an angel. They are available in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including black, silver, gold, and orange, with intricate stripes or spots adorning their bodies.
Angelfish have a peaceful and calm demeanor, making them popular choices for aquarium enthusiasts. They are generally not aggressive towards other fish, although they can become territorial during the breeding season. They are also known for their intelligent and curious nature, often displaying playful behavior and swimming to investigate their surroundings.
When it comes to communication, angelfish are relatively quiet fish. They do not produce any vocal sounds but communicate through their body language, such as changes in color or fin movements, to express their mood or defend their territory.
Overall, angelfish are a truly stunning and fascinating species that are sure to captivate anyone who observes them.