If you have just fallen in love with Angelfish for its graceful appearance & vibrant color, consider adding them to your aquarium. Therefore, if you consider adding Angelfish to your tank, you must understand their behavior & temperament.
Fortunately, this article will answer a very popular question: are Angelfish aggressive as well as their aggression levels? I will also provide you with some tips that can manage their Aggression and offer you some valuable insights into keeping Angelfish in a community tank.
However, avoiding keeping them with species or aggressive species like bettas is better. We have recently talked about: ‘Can angelfish live with Betta’ for you to check out. Now, it’s time to look at the answer to the question: are Angelfish aggressive?
Are Angelfish Aggressive?

Angelfish belong to the Cichlidae family but are not as aggressive as their other members. Their behavior ranges from peaceful to moderately aggressive. However, their aggression level may be influenced by genetics, individual personality, and environmental conditions.
Monitoring their behavior closely is important to ensure contact compatibility with tanks. You need to understand the temperamental spectrum to create a harmonious aquarium environment. An angelfish mat displays Aggression due to its Instinct or territorial behavior.
Yes, Angelfish are known to establish and defend their territory, a fundamental aspect of their behavior. If your pet angelfish feels threatened in the aquarium or when breeding, it may become aggressive and attack its tankmate.
Out of Aggression, angelfish attempts to eat its other fish if it is smaller in size as well. To know more about their predictory instant, consider reading our article: do Angelfish eat other fish? Now, let’s talk about intra-species Aggression & inter-species Aggression to gain more valuable insights into their behavior & conflicts with other species.
Intra-species Aggression
Even though Angelfish are not considered schooling fish, they have exhibited a hierarchical structure within the group. Also, dominant individuals have been noticed establishing themselves as the Alpha fish while others act in subordinate roles.
This hierarchy can also lead to aggressive behavior, particularly during territorial disputes. To know more about their nature of living in groups or pairs, read our article on: are angelfish schooling fish, or another interesting one: are Angelfish hardy?
If you are considering introducing Angelfish into your tank, ensure it gets enough space for free swimming & roaming around.
Also, there should be enough hiding spots to avoid territorial disputes & reduce Aggression. When it comes to housing multiple Angelfishes with other tankmates, larger tanks with appropriate territories are great for minimizing conflicts among them.
Inter-species Aggression
You should also know that Angelfish may exhibit aggressive behavior towards other fish if they perceive them as a threat or competitor for resources. Therefore, if you want to add Angelfish as a tank mate with other fishes, consider that compatibility and avoid choosing the ones known for their aggressive behavior.
You must maintain a peaceful community by researching and selecting the right fish species that are known to coexist harmoniously with Angelfish. After knowing the aggression level of Angelfish from two different aspects, let’s take a quick look at the factors affecting their aggression level.
3 Factors Affecting Aggression Levels
You should know that several factors may influence your pet’s aggression level. Therefore, if you understand this factor, you can create an optimal environment that minimizes risk conflicts and aggressions.
Tank Size & Environment
The first thing you need to do is choose the right type of tank with the right space and size. You must provide adequate space to reduce Aggression among Angelfish and its other tankmate. To choose the right type of tank size, I recommend you go with 20 gallons for a pair of Angelfish and an extra 10 gallons per Angelfish.
Generally, larger tanks are more helpful in keeping our little friends happy, thriving, and healthy for longevity. Go with the larger one when housing multiple Angelfish or setting up a community tank. Also, make sure to add some hiding spots using driftwood & rocks.
Also, create suitable territories within the tank to establish boundaries & minimize conflicts. It is great to add live plans that are compatible with the species living in the aquarium as it also acts as shelter & hiding spots.
Water Parameters & Quality
To keep your angelfish thriving and healthy for longevity, maintain the optimal water condition. You might already know that poor water quality will always lead to unwanted stress, which may exact Aggression.
Angelfish are known to live in slightly acidic water with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.0. According To Aquariadise,, you need to maintain a temperature between 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit for their well-being.
Regular water testing & maintenance routines are a must to ensure a healthy environment for your pets in that aquarium. Hence, monitor the ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels using water testing kits available in local aquarium stores and online.
Diet & Feeding Habits
Another that you need to pay attention to is your diet. Yes, feeding habits and diet will also play a significant role in angelfish behavior. If there is any competition for resources, conflicts & Aggression may occur.
Therefore, you must provide them with a well-balanced diet to maintain their overall health and contribute to which may also contribute to reduced Aggression.
Iosrjournals say that Angelfish are known to be omnivores who need a varied diet consisting of high-quality flakes and good food supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworm, and daphnia.
You should avoid overfeeding as it may lead to unwanted obesity & increased Aggression. It’s best to stick with the appropriate portion and frequency.
3 Tips for Managing Aggression in Angelfish

Now it’s important that you also know some helpful tips that may contribute to a harmonious tank environment, which is also crucial to managing Aggression among fish living in it. Therefore, below, I’m mentioning some tips to promote peaceful coexistence.
Tank Mates Selection
Make sure you choose a compatible tank mate to minimize Aggression in a community tank. The most suitable species that can coexist with Angelfish without conflict include tetras, gourami, rasboras, and peaceful catfish species.
We have also recently shared an in-depth article on: Can Angelfish With Tetras. Do your research on the temperament _ and compatibility of potential tankmates you are considering adding to your aquarium. It’s best to avoid aggressive species or fin-nipping fish like cichlids or betta, particularly popular for their territoriality.
Providing Adequate Space & Hiding Spots
As I told you earlier, create a well-structured aquarium layout to provide ample space and hiding spots. You should provide enough space for each Angelfish to establish its territory. Also, it would help if you incorporated hiding spots along with visual barriers to create a sense of security.
You can consider plants like Amazon swords, java ferns, and Vallisneria, which will not only enhance the aesthetic look of your tank but will also provide the fish with shelter & hiding places.
Observing & Addressing Signs Of Aggression
You must also pay attention to the regular observation of angelfish behavior to identify signs of Aggression, which may include fin-nipping, chasing, and aggressive displays.
If you think any of your fish has developed aggressive behavior toward others, use the appropriate intervention strategies, including rearranging the tank layout, adding additional hiding spots, or temporarily separating conflicting Angelfish.
In severe cases, you might also have to provide individual times or re-home a particular fish.
After reading this article, I hope you have appropriate knowledge of the aggression level these species, Angelfish, might exhibit. If you implement the right strategies, you can confidently manage Aggression which is social, to create a peaceful aquarium environment.
However, make sure you are considering factors like tank size, water parameters, and suitable tankmates to make your fish thrive and coexist harmoniously in a community tank.
It’s best to observe them closely and provide appropriate hiding spots while feeding them a balanced diet multiple times a day in small portions to promote their overall well-being.
This article has given you in-depth knowledge on whether Angelfish is aggressive. If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your share is going to help many people learn about the peaceful nature of Angelfish and what can contribute to their Aggression or aggressive behavior. See you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye.