Can Angelfish Live with Tetras

As an Aquarist, you might wonder ‘whether cab angelfish and tetras can live together’ in the same tank. If you are thinking so, this is the article for you. In this article, I am not only going to answer ‘can Angelfish live with tetras’ but also, we will be delving into the compatibility factors that provide some valuable insights into these creatures.

Angelfish are known for their peaceful nature so that they might coexist. But before that, you also need to know about the tetras’ behavior, pattern & water parameter preferences. Without wasting any more time, let’s begin with first knowing: Can Angelfish Live With Tetras?

Can Angelfish Live With Tetras?

Can Angelfish Live With Tetras?

Yes, angelfish can live with tetras in the same tank & peacefully coexist. The only problem is that few species of tetras can easily fit into the angelfish mouth, leading to predation. Therefore, make sure to choose the Tetra similar in size to your angelfish.

Also, make sure to provide them with a spacious tank & appropriate diet to keep them thriving, healthy, & happy for longevity as they coexist in the same tank. Angelfish are stunning freshwater fish known for their graceful appearance & unique triangular shape.

Therefore, they will look stunning with schooling fish like tetras, also known for their peaceful nature & come in various species. My favorite one is neon tetras, but people also go with cardinal tetras & black skirt tetra to match with Angelfish coloration & visually attractive aquariums.

According To eSHa Labs, angelfish are known to grow up to 6 inches in length with a lifespan of 3-10 years or more, whereas Tetra fish are usually small in size, typically one to inches, with dynamic behavior and an average lifespan of 3-5 years only.

There is a huge difference between both specy’s anatomy, characteristics, and attributes. To understand deeper, let’s take a quick look at the factors responsible for their compatibility & may influence their interaction in the same tank.

3 Compatibility Factors for Angelfish and Tetras

3 Compatibility Factors for Angelfish and Tetras

If you plan to keep Angelfish and Tetra in the same tank to create a harmonious environment, consider several factors. Let’s look at three major factors influencing the compatibility between both species, angelfish and tetras.

Water Parameters

Both the species angelfish & tetras are known to share similar water conditions, making them very compatible in terms of water parameters. You should know that angelfish usually like to live in slightly warmer water, so make sure to keep the temperature around 75-82° F.

To know more about their temperature requirement, consider reading my article on ‘best angelfish water temperature.’ When we compare the temperature requirement of angelfish & tetras, we find that tetras often thrive in slightly cooler temperatures ranging from 74-78° F.

Also, it would help if you managed the appropriate pH level & water hardness. To know about the hardness of angelfish, consider reading my other article on ‘Are angelfish, Hardy.’

We have also shared an in-depth article on the ‘ideal pH for angelfish‘ you need to achieve & maintain all year around. It is best to keep both species’ pH levels of 6.0-7.0. Angelfish usually prefer a pH of 6.5-7.5, whereas Tetras favors slightly acidic conditions with a pH of 5.5-7.

Size & Aggression

Another notable factor that you need to consider is the size difference. If you notice both these species closely, you will find notable size disparities, which can be a potential concern.

You should know that angelfish are known to grow much larger than tetras, reaching up to a size of 6 inches or even more if appropriate care is given. Since tetras are known to stay around 1 to inches, they can easily fit into the angelfish mouth.

To know more about angelfish feeding on small fish, consider reading our article on ‘Do angelfish eat other fish.’ Suppose you want to prevent angelfish from perceiving tetras as a potential food or triggering territorial behavior.

In that case, I recommend you offer a large tank with a good layout & lots of decorations. It is recommended to keep at least a 40-gallon tank with plenty of vegetation and decor that help create territories & break the angelfish’s line of sight.

If you want to know how many fish you can accommodate in a 40-gallon tank, consider reading my other recent article on ‘how many angelfish in a 40-gallon tank‘. With proper ample space & hiding spots within the tank, you can also mitigate aggression.

Tank Mates

If you have a 55-gallon tank, you should create a community tank that looks aesthetically & visually very appealing. Therefore, compatibility is very important if you are considering more tankmates for angelfish as well as tetras.

Even though both species are considered generally peaceful for Each Other, a few species may exhibit aggressive behavior as well. Also, a few species may disturb the equilibrium of the tank.

We have recently shared a guide on angelfish compatibility with Oscars as well as gouramis for you to check out. So make sure to consider reading our article on ‘can angelfish live with Oscars‘ or ‘Can Angelfish Live with Gouramis.’

Some of the most recommended tankmates to keep with angelfish & tetras include peaceful community fish such as guppies, sword tales, and corydoras catfish. But, I will still recommend you to avoid aggressive and fin-nipping species like barbs & aggressive varieties like Convict Cichlids.

3 Strategies For Successful Coexistence Strategies

After understanding both species’ compatibility factors, I mention a few strategies to keep angelfish & tetras together in the same tank successfully. Make sure to follow all these tips mentioned below properly for the best success and to prevent aggression, conflicts for resources, or territorial disputes.

Introducing New Fish

Consider proper acclimation if you introduce new fish in an already-established angelfish tank. It is best if you let the new fish bag float in the tank for about 15-20 minutes to allow the water temperature to equalize.

After that, gradually add a small amount of tank water to the bag for over 30 minutes. After an hour, you can release the fish gently into the tank; however, make sure to quarantine it for a few weeks in a separate tank as it’s the best advice to prevent the spread of disease and ensure they’re healthy before introducing them to a main tank.

Feeding Considerations

I hope you already know that Angelfish and Tetras are omnivorous fish requiring a balanced but varied diet. Therefore, you should stick to high-quality flakes or pellets food designed for tropical fish and offer a few supplements like Life or Frozen Food.

I usually offer high-quality flake or pellets food twice a day to my tropical fishes with a supplement of brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia for nutrients & variety.

Also, you need to know that angelfish are known to have lighter, larger mouths, so make sure to follow portion control & strategic feeding technique to ensure the tetras receive their share of food as well. Consider using sinking pellets for the angelfish and floating flakes for the tetras.

5 Tips For Tank Setup and Maintenance

You must also maintain a suitable tank environment for the well-being and health of both Angelfish & Tetra. To do that, consider the following tips.

  1. Always get a spacious tank with a minimum size of 30-40 gallons, which accommodates both angelfish & Tatra together while promoting potential growth & territories.
  2. In a community tank, National Institutes of Health recommends to manage the waste produced by fish. To do that, use a good quality filtration system to maintain the water quality and remove waste.
  3. It would help to incorporate live or artificial plants that create a sense of security, physical barrier, shelter, and hiding spots for fish.
  4. If you want to promote breeding, I advise you to get a separate breeding tank with a flat surface that acts like a substance for the breeding pair.
  5. Make sure to regularly test the water parameters & perform routine partial water changes to maintain optimal conditions. I usually aim for a weekly water change of 20-25% at a tank.


So, angelfish & tetras can definitely live together in the same tank harmoniously with proper consideration of compatibility factors. I have given my best to give you an understanding of the specific requirement of both species and the importance of providing suitable tanks.

I recommend you follow all the strategies mentioned above to create a beautiful & vibrant community tank. Also, monitor the behavior of both fish closely to make adjustments as required.

If you notice signs of conflict & aggression like chasing one after another, nipping, injury, or stress, immediately provide a separate tank to both concerns. If you have any other concerns regarding the question ‘Can Angelfish live with tetras,’ drop a comment below.

I have given my best to give you in-depth knowledge on the question: can angelfish live with tetras? If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your share will also help many people learn about the compatibility between angelfish & Tetra.

Do check my other helpful guide on angelfish care and facts. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.