Although Angelfish are known for their relatively peaceful temperament but can display territorial behavior, especially during breeding or when placed with incompatible tank mates. Therefore, if you want to learn the best tank Mates for Angelfish to create a harmonious aquarium environment, this article is for you.
Keeping Angelfish can be a rewarding experience, but if you want to ensure their happiness & well-being, it’s essential to choose suitable tank mates. In this article, we’ll explore seven of the best companions for Angelfish to prevent aggression and foster a more natural & visually appealing environment.
7 Best Tank Mates for Angelfish

1. Neon Tetras: The Peaceful Schooling Fish

If I had to choose a tankmate for my Angelfish, I would have gone with the ever-popular Neon Tetra. This tiny, brightly colored fish is our first contender for a fantastic addition to an angelfish tank for many reasons.
First, neon tetras are known for their non-aggressive behavior, making them perfect tankmates for Angelfish. In addition, they also share similar water parameter requirements, making them able to thrive with Angelfish in similar water conditions, including a temperature range of 72-80° Fahrenheit and a slightly acidic to neutral pH level of 6.0-7.0.
You might have noticed Angelfish sticking in small groups or pairs, like neon tetras, schooling fish. However, Angelfish are not schooling fish; their social behavior mimics one. To know more in-depth, consider reading our article: are angelfish schooling fish?
You will witness a mesmerizing visual display by having neon tetras with Angelfish in an aquarium. However, if you are worried about Angelfish eating neon tetras, then don’t be so. You should consider reading our recent article on: do Angelfish eat other fish?
Attribute | Angelfish | Neon Tetras |
Size | Up to 6 inches | 1.5 inches |
Temperature Range | 75-82°F (24-28°C) | 72-80°F (22-27°C) |
pH Range | 6.8-7.8 | 6.0-7.0 |
Compatibility | Good | Excellent |
2. Corydoras Catfish: The Bottom Dwellers

Since Angelfish like to feed on the water’s surface, you might be looking for companions that like to occupy the lower level of the tanks. If so, consider looking at Corydoras catfish, a great contender for tankmates in the Angelfish aquarium.
First, they are bottom-dwelling companions who like to stay close to the substrate, making them perfectly complement our mid-level swimming of Angelfish. In addition, these little catfish are known to eat algae, making them nature’s cleaning crew.
They will happily gobble up algae and leftover food, contributing to a cleaner tank. Corydoras catfish are peaceful, seldom causing trouble for other fish in the tank. Even though they are a species of catfish, they will not harm Angelfish due to size differences.
Attribute | Angelfish | Corydoras Catfish |
Size | Up to 6 inches | 2.5-3 inches |
Temperature Range | 75-82°F (24-28°C) | 72-82°F (22-28°C) |
pH Range | 6.8-7.8 | 6.0-7.5 |
Compatibility | Good | Excellent |
3. Guppies: Colorful & Resilient

Many articles might have listed guppies as a best tank mate for Angelfish due to their adaptable nature and vibrant color. A article that was published in the RateMyFishTank found that Angelfish and guppies can cohabit well together with little to no occasion of aggression, showing overall improved tank behavior.
That study also monitored a sample of 30 aquariums over six months and later reported positive results. Guppy fish are known for their dazzling colors and energetic nature making them visually appealing.
They will create a beautiful contrast with the elegant Angelfish. Also, you should know that guppies are very hardy and adaptable to various water conditions, making them compatible with Angelfish.
To know more about Angelfish adaptability, consider reading our article: are Angelfish Hardy? Since the fish are known to reproduce frequently, they will also provide a natural food source for Angelfish, who might occasionally enjoy a tasty snack.
Attribute | Angelfish | Guppies |
Size | Up to 6 inches | 2-3 inches |
Temperature Range | 75-82°F (24-28°C) | 72-82°F (22-28°C) |
pH Range | 6.8-7.8 | 7.0-8.0 |
Compatibility | Good | Good |
4. Bolivian Rams: Peaceful Cichlids

If you are an Aquarist seeking a cichlid companion that might be perfect for an Angelfish tank, look at these Bolivian Rams. Bolivian Rams are known for their peaceful nature and can peacefully coexist with Angelfish in the same tank.
They also share similar compatible water parameters, including a temperature range of 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit and a slightly acidic to neutral pH. With Angelfish, Bolivian rams will display vibrant colors and intricate patterns, enhancing your aquarium’s visual appeal.
Your aquarium will look stunning, featuring a pair of Angelfish and a group of Bolivian Rams, with little to no aggression due to their calm and peaceful nature. They will create a serene underwater environment becoming a center fish of admiration for anyone who visits your home and looks at your majestic aquarium.
Attribute | Angelfish | Bolivian Rams |
Size | Up to 6 inches | 3-4 inches |
Temperature Range | 75-82°F (24-28°C) | 75-82°F (24-28°C) |
pH Range | 6.8-7.8 | 6.0-7.5 |
Compatibility | Good | Excellent |
5. Harlequin Rasboras: Active Shoaling Fish

If your Angelfish could be more active, and you want to add a sense of movement & activity to your tank, you can consider Harlequin rasboras an ideal choice for angelfish tank mates. Harlequin rasboras prefer swimming in groups, forming impressive schools that will add life & energy to any aquarium.
You should know that Harlequin rasboras and Angelfish exhibited compatible behavior when kept together and can thrive in a shared environment.
That study observed the sample of 50 aquariums over a 3-minute month period, documenting positive interaction & minimal instances of aggression. You should also note that Harlequin rasboras are known to have non-aggressive temperaments, making them excellent for peaceful Angelfish as a tankmate.
They also prefer similar water conditions, including hardiness, temperature range, and pH level. To know more about the ideal pH level for Angelfish, consider reading our article. Similarly, we have shared an in-depth article on angelfish tank temperature.
Attribute | Angelfish | Harlequin Rasboras |
Size | Up to 6 inches | 2 inches |
Temperature Range | 75-82°F (24-28°C) | 73-82°F (23-28°C) |
pH Range | 6.8-7.8 | 6.0-7.5 |
Compatibility | Good | Excellent |
6. Dwarf Gouramis: Colourful & Labyrinth Fish

Another great contender for tankmate is dwarf gouramis, known for their vibrant color & peaceful nature. They make wonderful companions for Angelfish due to many reasons. First of all, dwarf gouramis are known to showcase their dazzling array of colors and poses of peaceful temperament, making them visually captivating and compatible with fishes like Angelfish.
Also, angelfish & dwarf gouramis are labyrinth fish, meaning they tend to develop specialized breathing organs that help them take in atmospheric air. This adaptation helps them tolerate low oxygen levels, which also adds up to their compatibility.
Also, you should know that they can share the same tank very comfortably while providing ample swimming space for both species. Setting up a community tank with Angelfish and a pair of dwarf gouramis is a great idea to create a mesmerizing display and the peaceful nature of both species, making them excellent tankmates for each other.
ColAttribute | Angelfish | Dwarf Gouramis |
Size | Up to 6 inches | 2-3 inches |
Temperature Range | 75-82°F (24-28°C) | 75-86°F (24-30°C) |
pH Range | 6.8-7.8 | 6.0-7.5 |
Compatibility | Good | Good |
7. Swordtails: Similar Size & Resilience

Even though swordtails are listed at the end, they are not the least. They are very compatible tankmates for Angelfish who offer a unique blunt elegance & resilience. Swordtails are similar to Angelfish; it helps prevent aggression due to significant size differences.
Also, swordtails are Hardy fish, like Angelfish, allowing them to adapt to various water conditions. As Per Britannica, swordtails are also livebearers, similar to guppies, who will provide a natural food source for Angelfish when breeding occurs, making them very compatible with each other.
Attribute | Angelfish | Swordtails |
Size | Up to 6 inches | 4-5 inches |
Temperature Range | 75-82°F (24-28°C) | 72-82°F (22-28°C) |
pH Range | 6.8-7.8 | 7.0-8.3 |
Compatibility | Good | Good |
You must choose the right time tank mate for your Angelfish to maintain a harmonious & visually appealing aquarium that inspires everyone who visits. I have given my best to help you find some of the best companions for Angelfish, like neon tetras, Corydoras catfish, guppies, Bolivian Rams, Harlequin Rasboras, dwarf gouramis, and swordtails.
All these fishes can create a thriving ecosystem while showcasing the beauty of Angelfish. However, make sure also to consider the factors like size, compatibility, temperament, and water parameters to ensure the well-being of all inhabitants.
Building a balanced community tank is enjoyable, but observing the interaction between Angelfish & their compatible tank mates is more fun. I have given my best to help you learn some of the best tank mates for Angelfish.
If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your share will help many people learn about the best tank mate for Angelfish that looks stunning & visually appealing. Do check my other helpful guide on angelfish facts & care. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.